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2009年4~9月在四川省若尔盖县铁布自然保护区,对四川梅花鹿Cervusnippon sichuanicus产仔换茸期的声行为进行了较系统的研究。四川梅花鹿产仔换茸期的声行为可以分为报警声、惊叫声、吼叫声、母子召唤声等20种鸣声。通过声谱分析获得了各种鸣声的语谱图及其频谱特征,并通过野外观察初步确定了这些声行为的生物学意义。在遇到危险或潜在危险时,成年雄鹿往往第一个发出报警鸣声,而雌鹿的报警声大约是雄鹿的两倍多。成年个体的主动防御鸣声频次要多于亚成体,而幼体未见有该类鸣声。对梅花鹿不同亚种和不同季节的几种声行为进行了比较。  相似文献   
不同野化训练条件下朱鹮的行为差异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2010年7月至201 1年1月,在陕西省洋县朱鹮生态园和华阳镇朱鹮野化训练基地,采用瞬时扫描取样法和行为取样法,对2处野化训练大网笼中朱鹮(Nipponia nippon)(n洋县=30只;n华阳=22只)的行为进行研究,同时调查2处大网笼野化训练条件的不同.结果表明,在觅食行为的时间分配中,秋季洋县群的划动寻觅、探...  相似文献   
Dispersal as well as population growth is a key demographic process that determines population dynamics. However, determining the effects of environmental covariates on dispersal from spatial‐temporal abundance proxy data is challenging owing to the complexity of model specification for directional dispersal permeability and the extremely high computational loads for numerical integration. In this paper, we present a case study estimating how environmental covariates affect the dispersal of Japanese sika deer by developing a spatially explicit state‐space matrix model coupled with an improved numerical integration technique (Markov chain Monte Carlo with particle filters). In particular, we explored the environmental drivers of inhomogeneous range expansion, characteristic of animals with short dispersal. Our model framework successfully reproduced the complex population dynamics of sika deer, including rapid changes in densely populated areas and distribution fronts within a decade. Furthermore, our results revealed that the inhomogeneous range expansion of sika deer seemed to be primarily caused by the dispersal process (i.e., movement barriers in fragmented forests) rather than population growth. Our state‐space matrix model enables the inference of population dynamics for a broad range of organisms, even those with low dispersal ability, in heterogeneous landscapes, and could address many pressing issues in conservation biology and ecosystem management.  相似文献   
梅花鹿3个种群遗传多样性的微卫星标记分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用16个微卫星标记对黑龙江省部分地区(兴凯湖农场、大庆市银浪牧场、五大连池大庆农场鹿苑)的3个梅花鹿(Cervus nippon)群体进行了遗传多样性检测.统计了3个鹿群的等位基因组成、平均有效等位基因数(Ne)、平均遗传杂合度(h)和多态信息含量(PIC).结果表明,除5个位点外,其余11个微卫星位点均表现出不同的多态信息含量,其中高度多态位点5个,中度多态位点4个.这说明本研究所选用的微卫星位点可较准确地评估3个梅花鹿群体的遗传多样性,并为今后相关研究筛选出了有价值的引物.3个梅花鹿群体的平均h在0.454~0.636之间变动,其中兴凯湖梅花鹿群体最高,为0.636,具有较大的遗传潜力.  相似文献   
Abstract: Wildlife managers often manipulate hunting regulations to control deer populations. However, few empirical studies have examined the level of hunting effort (hunter-days) required to limit population growth and demographic effects through harvesting of females. Moreover, the relative importance of density effects on population growth has not been quantified. We reconstructed a sika deer [Cervus nippon] population over a period of 12 years (1990–2001) using age- and sex-specific harvest data. Using cohort analysis, we analyzed population dynamics, focusing on 1) the relationship between hunting effort and hunting-induced mortality rate, 2) relative contributions of hunting mortality and recruitment of yearlings to annual changes in population growth rate, and 3) annual variation in recruitment rate. Population size increased until 1998 and declined thereafter. The population growth rate changed more in response to annual changes in recruitment rate than hunting mortality rate. Temporal variation in recruitment rate was not controlled by birth rate alone; direct density dependence, intensities of hunting mortality for fawns, and for females (≥2 yr of age), which accounted for the fawn survival rate, were required as factors to explain temporal variation. Density effects on the recruitment rate were not strong enough to regulate the population within the study period; high hunting mortality, with intensive female harvesting, was necessary to prevent population growth. Hunting effort was a good predictor of the hunting mortality rate, and female harvest had a negative effect on the recruitment rate through fawn survival. We suggest that >3,500 hunter-days and prioritization of female harvesting are required to prevent increases in this deer population.  相似文献   
对四川产中菊头蝠喜马拉雅亚种(Rhinolophus affinis himalayanus)和马铁菊头蝠日本亚种(R.ferrumequinum nippon)的23项外部形态指标和22项头骨形态指标进行了测量,并进行数理统计分析。结果表明,(1)中菊头蝠喜马拉雅亚种和马铁菊头蝠日本亚种的23项外部形态测量指标中有2项差异显著(P<0.05),16项差异极显著(P<0.01),其中:中菊头蝠喜马拉雅亚种(n=14)体长小于59 mm(47.30~58.40),尾长小于26 mm(21.69~25.68),耳长小于22 mm(18.36~21.88),前臂长小于56 mm(50.9~54.20),第Ⅲ掌骨第一指节长小于16 mm(13.2~15.53),第Ⅲ掌骨第二指节小于32 mm(27.38~31.74);而马铁菊头蝠日本亚种(n=6)体长大于62 mm(62.43~66.76),尾长大于30 mm(30.56~36.18),耳长大于24 mm(24.47~27.20),前臂长大于56 mm(58.78~63.46),第Ⅲ掌骨第一指节大于19 mm(19.38~21.39),第Ⅲ掌骨第二指节大于34 mm(34.42~38.11),这些差异可作为区分四川产这两个种的依据。(2)中菊头蝠喜马拉雅亚种和马铁菊头蝠日本亚种的22项头骨形态测量指标中,除颅高、听泡间距差异不显著(P>0.05)外,其他20项指标都存在极显著差异(P<0.01)。  相似文献   
低温对鸟类的生长发育、新陈代谢和生活状态有显著的影响,鸟类往往通过改变行为模式来适应温度的变化。朱鹮(Nipponia nippon)是东亚特有的濒危鸟类,2018年从秦岭南麓的陕西洋县引入到河北北戴河,建立了全球纬度最高的野化种群。本文以北戴河和洋县两个野化种群为研究对象,采用瞬时扫描法观察分析了季节和温度等因素对朱鹮休息行为的影响。结果表明,双腿站立露喙是朱鹮在游荡期最常见的休息行为(70.9%),但在越冬期显著降低(55.6%),而单腿站立和隐喙行为比例相应升高。温度对双腿站立隐喙、单腿站立露喙和单腿站立隐喙3种行为的比例有显著影响。可见,朱鹮在冬季通过增加保护裸露部位的行为比例来适应低温。在冬季,随着温度的下降,朱鹮趴卧在树干上的夜宿行为比例逐渐增加,而这一行为在白天没有记录到。温度对成鸟和幼鸟冬季的休息行为有显著影响。由此表明,趴卧行为很可能是朱鹮对极端耐受低温的一种应对,在保护监测过程中需警惕。朱鹮在北戴河越冬过程中没有使用网笼中的遮挡伞棚和庇护场所,表明其能够自主适应-20℃的低温。为了确保野化朱鹮顺利越冬,建议在野化网笼中增加一些松科等常绿树种,为朱鹮提供更加优良的夜宿环境,并用稻草搭建风挡,减少夜间大风的负面影响。  相似文献   
2007年5月至2013年5月,通过环志和无线电跟踪及野外观察和记录,对陕西宁陕朱鹮(Nipponia nippon)再引入种群的死亡个体进行了收集和确定。共计死亡朱鹮54只,其中雏鸟26只,亚成体8只,释放朱鹮个体均为成体,死亡总数20只。研究表明,朱鹮死亡的原因包括巢内竞争、亲鸟弃巢、雏鸟先天发育不良;天敌、食物缺乏、飞行撞击、高压电击、恶劣天气等。同时,针对上述原因,提出一些合理的保护措施和管理建议。  相似文献   
一个人工朱曦种群的遗传多态性   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用蛋白质电泳、RAPD和微卫星DNA技术,对我国濒危保护动物———人工饲养朱进行遗传多态性研究。结果表明,40只朱在前白蛋白(Pre)、白蛋白(Alb)、后白蛋白(Pa)、运铁蛋白(Tf)共4个蛋白质位点上没有发现多态性。用40个随机引物对40只朱进行RAPD分析,其中35个引物扩增出完全相同的RAPD带纹,仅筛选到5个多态性引物,朱群体的平均带纹相似率为0.86。利用其它物种的22对微卫星引物对30只朱的DNA进行检测,共筛选出4对多态性微卫星引物,扩增出13个等位基因。朱在这4对微卫星位点的平均杂合度为0.3760,平均多态信息含量为0.3382,平均等位基因数为2.075。表明朱人工饲养群体的遗传多态性比发现之初得到了一定程度的恢复,但仍然比较贫乏  相似文献   
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